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Joanna Skoraczyńska

For many years I have been dividing my time between regular office job and my many passions such as teaching yoga, photography, cooking, blogging, swimming and many more. Quite often my schedule is so tight that sadly I am not able to attend regular classes in any yoga centre. I find very untypical time slots for yoga practice such as late evenings or early mornings or weekends. Times, when regular yoga centers are usually closed.


I know that you also quite often struggle with your tight schedule and with finding time for your yoga practice and that’s why I have created this YOGA ZONE online for you. It’s not only the place where you can find articles about yoga, healthy and vegetarian recipes or short yoga instruction movies but most importantly it is the zone that allows you to schedule individual Skype yoga classes with certified yoga instructors at the place and time that suits you best. During the Skype class your instructor will give you live instructions, will make sure that you perform all asanas correctly and will adjust the practice for your very own needs, limitations and mood. You only have to schedule time for your yoga class, prepare yoga mat and turn on Skype. As simple as that!


If you want to meet me you would have to come to Łódź, Poland, where I teach:

  • individual classes in Polish or English (call me or e-mail me in case you need more information) – for prices check YOGA ON SKYPE