How to prepare to your first yoga class?

How to prepare to your first yoga class?

You often ask, what you should take with you for your first ever yoga classes and how to prepare for them. I do hope that my guide will explain all or almost all ๐Ÿ™‚ If you have something to add to my list, feel free to do so.

Prepare comfortable sports clothes

Sometimes I have an impression that while being a yoga teacher I have seen it all: holes in your garments, see-through clothes, too tight jeans, lack of underwear and even a skirt. That’s why I suggest you check whether your clothesare comfortable, does not limit wide range of motion and is not a see-through, unless it is supposed to be like that ๐Ÿ˜‰ Check in front of a mirror if your shorts are not to short and whether you don’t show too much in a seated position or while performing a forward bend. Please verify it for your very own comfort and for the comfort of others. And please, please make sure that you wear underwear ๐Ÿ™‚

If you have long hair, use a hairband

Long hair will be exactly where you don’t want them to be and they will distract you all the time, so you’d better keep them organized by means of hairdband.

Take socks and a sweatshirt

Yoga is performed barefood and there is no exception to that. Sweatshirt during yoga session is also rather unnecessary. Yet yoga starts with short meditation and ends with approximately 10-minute relaxation in corpse pose, savasana. These are the moments when your body is either not warmed up yet or slowly cools down after intensive workout and you might feel cold. so if you do not read this post at 30 centigrades, it’s better to be quipped with socks and sweatshirt. Just in case. Socks are also used to wonder around yoga center, so choose any colour except white ๐Ÿ˜‰

Arrive at the yoga center approximately 15 minutes earlier

You will have enough time to get acquainted with the yoga center and its rules and regulations. You will efficiently manage payment issues, location of cloackroom, bathroom and the yoga room and you will meet fellow yoginis.

In classic yoga center leave your shoes in front of the entrance door

if you are to attend yoga classes in a yoga center, you will be surprised with numerous shoes abandoned in front of the entrance door. Leave your shoes there as well and wonder around yoga center barefoot or in socks if it’s cold.

If you attend yoga classes in fitness club or other unusual location, take flip flops or trainers

Passing from the cloackroom to the yoga room in a fitness center might be too much for your feet, cause floors are usually quite dirty. Flip flops or trainers will make it more comfortable, but remember to take them of at the yoga room.

Yoga should be performed on an empty stomach

For your own comfort and health, eat the last heavy meal approximately 3 to 4 hours prior to planned yoga class. You can eat something light 1 hour prior to the classes. Drinking too much beverages before classes is also not a ver good idea. Full stomach can cause discomfort and unhealthy reflux. In one of the coming posts I will write about this issue in more details.

Personal hygiene is kinda crucial, so please remember about it

Yoga is not a date, so do not use half of bottle of eau de toilette or perfume, cause it will be unbearable for other yoginis. Clean body is mode than enoigh. For those of you that do not remember I would like to remind that feet also count as your body. It’s good to have with you wet wipes that will help you to refresh quickly and efficiently before yoga classes, especially after long hours in the office.

Turn off your mobile and do not put it on vibrate mode

Do it for yourself and for others. Melodies and vibrations are a serious distractor and are a big no no.

Do not worry about yoga props

Every decent yoga center or fitness clus should be equipped with basic yoga props, but if you have your own yoga mat, of course feel free to bring it along.

Bring good mood with you

Your good mood guarantees a great time ๐Ÿ™‚

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